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How deeply the LJP has divided the BJP?

LJP's activism, one after another, are triggering uneasiness in Janata Dal United as well as BJP. (File Photo of BJP president J P Nadda and LJP president Chirag Paswan, courtesy twitter)

The Lok Janshakti Party’s decision to put up candidates against all the Janata Dal United nominees has, by design or default, thrown BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) into a disarray. The joining of the LJP by three leaders strongly associated with…

Kuwait’s moderate voice Al Sabah no more

Sheikh Al Sabah, Kuwaiti leader, who died on Tuesday (File Photo, Image credit: Mint)

The Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah died at the age of 91 in the United States on Tuesday, where he was undergoing treatment. His death has created a void in the politics of the Gulf as he was…

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