US President Joe Biden (Image credit:

Biden cautions Americans as COVID-19 toll crosses half a million mark in the country

Exactly one year after the United States witnessed the first death due to corona virus the country on February 22 crossed the death toll of half a million. This is more than the second-placed Brazil, where the toll is less than 2.47 lakh. The death toll in India is 1.56 lakh and in England 1.21 lakh. The UK and US which had witnessed huge jump in December and January have shown signs of slowing down in the number of corona virus cases.

However, on February 22, according to reports, 1,454 and 177 people lost their lives in the United States and United Kingdom respectively.

Incidentally, more than 2 lakh people died in the United States in the last couple of months. Similarly, in the same period, the number of casualties in the United Kingdom in this period doubled.

On the other hand, countries of South Asia like India witnessed a sharp decline during the winter season. With the arrival of summer, the number of reported positive cases of corona are rising in India, so is the death toll.  

Anyway, the United States continued to be far ahead so far as the number of infected persons is concerned. On February 22 this figure reached 28.1 million.

Meanwhile, speaking on the US crossing half a million casualties, President Joe Biden said: “As a nation, we can’t accept such a cruel fate. We have to resist becoming numb to the sorrow… Today I ask all Americans to remember. Remember those we lost and remember those we left behind.”

President Biden, his wife Jill, vice-president Kamala Harris and her husband Douglas Emhoff observed a moment of silence outside the White House during a candle-lighting ceremony.

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