Farmers' leaders having food during a break at Vigyan Bhawan on Monday (Image credit: DNA India)

Farmers, ministers break bread separately, talks remain inconclusive

Held under the shadow of uncertainty the seventh round of talks between the farmers’ unions and the government on Monday failed to yield any result. The two parties would sit again at Vigyan Bhawan on Jan 8.

According to farmers’ leaders there is still scope for talks on the Minimum Support Price but they are not going to budge at all on the issue of three farm laws.

The talks were not held in as cordial an atmosphere as on Dec 30 when the farmers and the government side took lunch together. The meal was in fact arranged by Sikh Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee. Later some farmers’ leaders were seen taking selfies with ministers.

But that was not the case on Monday as the leaders of farmers’ unions refused to share food with the ministers. 

The farmers appear to have hardened their stance.  Two leaders of different factions of Bharat Kisan Union, Joginder Singh and Rajendra Singh expressed doubts over the success while they were still holding talks with the government inside Vigyan Bhawan. They flayed the government through a Facebook post.

As the talks have failed to make any headway the farmers are likely to carry on their next course of action. The first one is a Tractor March on Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Highway on Jan 6.

If the deadlock continues after Jan 8 they would burn the copies of farm laws on Jan 13, that is on Lohri Day, observe Mahila Kisan Diwas on Jan 18, gherao all the governors on Jan 23 that is on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and finally organise a Tractor Rally on Republic Day.

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