The masked man (C) who was caught by the farmers on Friday night (Image credit: The Economic Times)

Farmers produce before media ‘armed’ man sent to kill their top leaders

In a sensational late-night development on Friday some leaders of the farmers called a Press conference to produce a masked man, who had allegedly intruded into the Singhu border to kill at least four farmers’ leaders and cause widespread disruption.

The Press conference, according to a NDTV report was held at 10:45 PM by leaders like Rakesh Tikait, Baldev Singh Sirsa, Manjeet Singh Rai and others.

The man with covered face confessed that he was sent with the purpose to kill four of their leaders between January 23 and 26 and thus defame the farmers’ movement.

He also said that his handler had even paid Rs 10,000 in advance to him.

According to him at least 10 to 11 people, including two women, are also engaged in this task to create disturbance in the farmers’ movement.

The farmers’ leaders told the media that the man they caught had a weapon too. They also suspect that he and others were sent by police or some government agencies to create disturbance ahead of Republic Day.

The farmers said that they are handing over the man to the police for his own safety. Manjit Singh Rai said that they have told the police not to take any action against this man and that they are handing him over to the cops to avoid any untoward incident here.  They once again assured that they would not allow anyone to disturb their peaceful movement.

This development took place after the farmers’ leaders had returned from Vigyan Bhawan after the talks with the Centre and a meeting with Delhi Police on Republic Day Tractor’s Rally issue. The police is yet to make any comment.

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