File photo of farmers protesting against the three farm laws (Image credit:

Farmers reject offer, government disallows R-Day Tractor’s Rally

The farmers’ unions on Thursday rejected the Centre’s offer to put on hold for at least 18 months the three farm laws enacted in September last.

The decision came late in the evening after marathon six hours long meeting among the different unions which witnessed heated exchange of arguments among the leaders.

However, in spite of the hot discussion on the issue the farmers unanimously resolved to turn down the government offer. They also resolved to carry on their Tractors’ Rally on Jan 26.

Earlier at 11:00 in the forenoon farmers’ bodies of Punjab sat together to discuss the government’s offer. This was followed by a much bigger meeting of the farmers’ unions of the country.

Those who argued against the government offer were of the view that it is the most opportune time to put more pressure on the government and finally get the three farm laws repealed. Otherwise, it would be difficult to launch another such big movement.

The 11th round of talks would be held on Jan 22, though nothing concrete is likely to come out after Thursday’s development.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Police has refused permission to farmers to take out Tractor’s Rally on Outer Ring Road on Republic Day on security grounds though the farmers are still insisting on it. The farmers claim that as high as five lakh farmers with one lakh tractors are likely to march on the Outer Ring Road on Jan 26.

According to Darshan Pal Singh, leader of the Krantikari Kisan Union, they would again meet officials of Delhi Police, after January 22 talks with the government and try to convince them about the peaceful nature of the Rally.

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