Cricketer-turned-politician Gautam Gambhir (Image credit: The Indian Express)

Gautam Gambhir charged with distributing Fabiflu from his office

A police complaint has been filed against the East Delhi BJP MP, Gautam Gambhir, for distributing Fabiflu, a medicine prescribed for treating serious corona virus patients, from his office.

The complaint has been lodged by Lehar Sethi, under Essential Commodities Maintenance Act for hoarding the medicine.

The complainant asked as to how the MP had got this medicine when most of the hospitals and medicine shops are running short of it. Whatever may be his intention the big question is as to how had he managed to get this medicine. Instead of distributing it from his office he should have helped the hospitals and pharmacists get Fabiflu. After all he is not an authorised license holder to distribute this drug.

The medicine is being distributed only to those who are coming with doctor’s prescription and Aadhar card.

However, Gautam Gambhir defended his position by stating that he simply wanted to save the lives of the people. This cannot be called hoarding. Those who want to do politics can do so.

In a similar incident a few days back, the Surat MP of the BJP C R Patil, who is also the president of the Gujarat unit of the party openly distributed Remdesivir, another medicine prescribed for COVID-19 patients and which too is facing acute shortage all over India.

This had created a storm and questions were asked from state chief minister Vijay Rupani as to how the party MP managed to get this drug when it is not available in entire Gujarat. Rupani then told newsmen to go and ask this question from Patil himself.

The government had on April 11 even banned its export. Meanwhile, India reported 3.49 lakh corona positive cases in the last 24 hours and 2,767 deaths.

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