Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. (file photo)

JDU goes BJP way, expels 15 senior leaders

A day after the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) expelled nine of its senior leaders the alliance partner Janata Dal United threw out from the party 15 of its leaders. Those sacked include the sitting MLA from Dumraon, Daddan Pahalwan, Sumit Singh, son of former minister Narendra Singh and Bhagwan Singh Kushwaha, also a former legislator.

They all have been kicked out of the party for six years as they have been contesting as rebel candidates. Reports from the constituencies from where they are fighting election suggest that they are posing a big challenge to the official NDA (National Democratic Alliance) nominees.

Though Daddan is a seasoned legislator the party denied him the ticket and gave it to Anjum Ara. Sumit Singh is the son of former minister and Janata Dal U strongman from Jamui Narendra Singh.

Bhagwan Singh Kushwaha, earlier associated with extreme left movement has later joined RJD and then Janata Dal United.Talking to the media state president of the JD-U Vashishth Narayan Singh said that his party would not hesitate in expelling any leader who defies the party’s stand. 

Meanwhile, RJD leader Tej Pratap Yadav on Tuesday filed his nomination papers from Hassanpur Assembly segment in Samastipur district. Leader of opposition in Bihar Assembly Tejashwi Prasad Yadav and state president of RJD Jagdanand Singh were present on the occasion at Rosera sub-division.

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