US President Donald Trump's supporters near the Capitol Hill on Wednesday (Image credit: TheHill)

Mobocracy takes over US, many die in Capitol Hill attack

In an incident which has no parallel in recent history at least four people including a woman died and many others received injuries when thousands of armed supporters of President Donald Trump stormed into the Capitol building (seat of the US Congress or Parliament) on Wednesday where the Senate and House of Representatives were about to certify Joe Biden’s election victory. Fifty-two people have so far been arrested in this connection.

Immediately after the attack the Congressmen and women were evacuated and removed to an underground tunnel. Anarchy prevailed for more than four hours before the Congress could be reconvened. Twitter and Facebook suspended Trump’s account after he repeatedly posted false allegations about the election result. The supporters of Trump took to the streets after the defeat of Republican Party in the election for two Senate seats in Georgia. Now both Democrats and Republicans have fifty Senators each.

Meanwhile President-elect Joe Biden tweeted: “Let me be very clear: the scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not represent who we are. What we are seeing is a small number of extremists dedicated to lawlessness. This is not dissent, it’s disorder. It borders on sedition, and it must end. Now.”

On the other hand, Vice President Mike Pence, whose role at the present juncture is very significant, said while resuming the session later on Wednesday: “To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today—you did not win. Lets get back to work.”

Many senior Republicans such as former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham have denounced the January 6 hooliganism by Mr. Trump’s supporters. Former President Barack Obama has called it as a moment of dishonour and shame for the entire nation.

In addition, three White House officials resigned in protest against what had happened in the Capitol building on Wednesday.

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