Former US President Donald Trump (File Photo, Image credit: ThePrint)

Trump vows to come back in Patriot Party form

Ending his speech with the assurance “We will be back in some form” President Donald Trump left Washington for Florida not before dropping enough hint to form his own party named “Patriot Party”.

Disillusioned with a section of Republicans he addressed his supporters who cheered him and raised slogans in his favour. Before leaving for Florida, he once again highlighted the achievements of his Administration. He said he will be listening to and watching all the developments taking place in the country.

Needless to say, a significant section of the Republican Party is against the policies followed by Trump, especially his role in instigating the riots which took place at the Capitol Hill on January 6. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (A Republican himself) on Tuesday said that the rioters were ‘provoked by the president and other powerful people and they tried to use fear and violence’ in an attempt to overturn the results of the November 3 election.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump talked to a number of trusted aides about forming a new party.

If Trump, who was new to politics before he became the President, really forms a political party this would be a major development in the United States which essentially has two big parties—the Republican and the Democratic Party. Apart from these two there are three very small parties namely the Libertarian Party, the Green Party of the United States and the Constitution Party.

He is the first President in the last 150 years not to take part in the inaugural ceremony of his successor though the outgoing Vice President Mike Pence was very much present. In all he is the fourth US President to boycott the inaugural ceremony of the successor. Before him Andrew Johnson boycotted his successors’ oath-taking ceremony in 1869. Incidentally three former Presidents viz. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama were present during the ceremony held under tight security. 

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