UPSC implemented the 10% EWS quota first time in the Civil Services Exam 2019. (Image Courtesy: Business today)

78 from EWS clear UPSC Civil Services Exam

78 out of 829 candidates who cleared the Civil Services Exam 2019 whose result was declared on Tuesday, come from Economically Weaker Section (EWS) as the 10% quota was implemented for the first time.

Pradeep Singh of Haryana topped the country’s most prestigious examination which is conducted by Union Public Service Commission. Jitin Kishore of Delhi and Pratibha Verma of Utter Pradesh secured second and third rank, respectively.  

The UPSC carried out the written examination in September last year and the interviews for Personality Test was conducted between February and August this year. The interview was to be held in February and March, but it was extended due to the outbreak of Corona Virus and subsequent lockdowns.

The successful candidates become eligible for posting in Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Services, Indian Police Service and Central Services of group A and B.

According to PIB press note appointment to the various services will be made according to the number of vacancies available with due consideration to the provisions contained in the rules for the Examination.

Apart from 78 EWS category candidates, 251 from Other Backward classes, 129 Scheduled Castes and 67 from Scheduled Tribes made it to the list of successful candidates of this year Civil Services Examination. On the other hand, 304 general category candidates became successful.

“It is like a dream come true. It is a pleasant surprise for me. I always wanted to be an IAS officer. I would like to work for the deprived sections of the society”, the first topper Praveen Singh told NDTV.

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