Supreme Court of India (Image credit:

Can farm laws be put on hold till the talks among parties end, Supreme Court asks govt.

The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the Centre whether it can assure that it is not going to implement the three farm laws till the talks in this regard between all the parties comes to a conclusion.

Hearing the matter on the second day, Chief Justice S A Bobde said that one has every right to protest democratically for years together but will have to see to it that no disruption to traffic is caused, no untoward incident happens and no damage is done.

The Supreme Court reiterated that this matter can only be solved through talks and a committee has been mooted in this regard. The CJI said that though he would not be available after Friday because of the winter vacation he can refer the case to the Vacation Bench if the parties feel so.

Interestingly when Justice Bobde asked Attorney General K K Venugopal whether the laws can be put on hold till the talks reaches its final end, the latter replied that he would get back after consultation with the government. However, the Solicitor General Tushar Mehta intervened to say that it is not possible. Upon this Justice Bobde shot back and referred to what Venugopal had just said.

Legal experts see in Supreme Court’s Thursday observation as a sort of achievement for the farmers as at this point of time the first thing that they would like is that the laws are not implemented. However, it is to be seen what will be the government’s reply.

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