Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Dikshant (Passing out) Parade of IPS Probationers through video-conferencing on Friday. ( File photo; courtesy: Business Today)

Women police officers can play a crucial role in combating terrorism: PM

Expressing full confidence on the role women police officers can play in tackling terrorism Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday stressed the need to prevent youth from taking the wrong path at the early stage of life. Speaking at Dikshant (Passing out) Parade of IPS Probationers through video-conferencing at Indian Police Academy in Hyderabad on Friday the Prime Minister said women police personnel can combat terrorism in a better way.

He praised the police for their contributions in the time of challenges. In this regard he made special mention of the service of those in khaki in the time of Corona Virus pandemic during which several of them lost their lives. Openly interacting with the young IPS officers he regretted that, unlike in the past, he is unable to meet them personally because of COVID-19.

He invited them to ask questions. However Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he would certainly be meeting them in future. In all 131 IPS probationers, including 28 women, have completed their 42 weeks of basic course phase-I training at the academy. They joined the academy on Dec 17, 2018 after completing their foundation course at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, and at Dr Marri Channa Reddy HRD Institute of Telangana, Hyderabad, with those from other central services like IAS and IFS. The Prime Minister also laid emphasis on Yoga as it helps release stress.

Underlining the importance of training, he said that one must not take it lightly. He pointed out that less importance of training is the root cause of the prevailing problems in the practice of ‘Good governance’.

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