Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar (R) and Railway Minister Piyush Goyal during the Government-farmers talks held on Wednesday (File Photo, Image credit: The Indian Express)

Talks, agitation to continue even as farmers, govt. break some ice

The sixth round of talks between the farmers and the government held on Wednesday appeared to have made some headway with both sides accepting that the overall atmosphere was a bit cordial than in the past.  The seventh round of talks would take place on January 4.

According to the Union agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar there had been agreement on two issues. He hoped that other related demands too would be sorted out.

Some progress has been made on the issue of stubble burning and electricity subsidy.

The President of the Punjab unit of the All India Kisan Sabha, Balkaran Singh Brar said that the talks were positive and added that the farmers’ unions would discuss the issue of Minimum Support Price (MSP) in the next meeting on January 4.

However, he made it clear that the farmers would not give up the agitation which the government was insisting on. The government also wanted that a committee should be set up to look into the matter after the farmers withdraw their stir, he added. It needs to be mentioned that the farmers’ agitation entered its 35th day on Wednesday.

It seems that the main issue of the repeal of the three farm laws remained unresolved.

The Wednesday talks were held in a somewhat relaxed atmosphere with ministers taking part in the talks sharing lunch brought for the farmers. It was arranged by Sikh Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee. 

 Apart from Tomar, railway minister Piyush Goyal also took part in the talks.

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