Iconic Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Jamalpur. Photo Courtesy: railpost.in

JDU, BJP on collision course amidst reports of IRIMEE being shunted out of Bihar

TNW, Patna 7 May: The central government decision to shift Indian Raiway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Enginering, Jamalpur in Munger district to outskirt of Lucknow snowballed into point of contention between Janta Dal(U) and Bhartiya Janta Party.

On Wednesday, Bihar’s Water Resources Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha, in back to back five tweets, tagging PMO and Railway Ministry, strongly criticised the ‘regressive move’ to shift the IRIMEE which ‘represent rich legacy of Railways and Bihar’ and requested to ‘rescind this outrageous order’. 

How can a legacy of 93 years be wiped off so brazenly? He asked. Sanjay Jha is close confidant of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and in political circle, it is said, that Jha speaks on the behest of CM.

However, Deputy CM Sushil Modi said that the news of shifting IRIMEE is misleading and baseless. Meanwhile, according to latest reports Railways ministry has clarified that the IRIMEE will not be shifted.

Bihar watchers are of the view that if the Railway ministry shift IRIMEE from Jamalpur to Lucknow, Nitish Kumar will have to bear the burnt in coming assembly election.” In the last 15 years–notwithstanding so much promise– Nitish kumar failed to bring any industry in Bihar. If IRIMEE is taken out from the state it would send a very wrong message when the so called double engine government has nothing to offer in the name of industrialisation,” said noted social activist Satyanarayan Madan.

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