A webinar to discuss the"Status of Smart Cities in the Global Scenario" was held in Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi where leading academicians and experts associated with top universities and institutions shared their knowledge.

Smart city is essential for sustainable development of the world: Experts

TNW, New Delhi, July 11: Across the globe, sixty to seventy percent of the energy is consumed by metropolitan cities while inhabiting barely 3-4% of world’s population, cited Dr. Supavadee Aramvith of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand while addressing an international webinar organised by The Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, on Saturday.

Many leading Researchers, academics and administrators associated with the Smart city mission in various capacities shared their knowledge, expertise and experiences while taking part in the webinar: “Status of Smart Cities in the Global Scenario”.

Experts highlighted the role of smart cities in sustainable development. Apart from Smart cities, the speakers delved into the various aspects of Sustainable Development Goals such as Smart education, Smart Energy etc. Prof Gulsun Kurubacak, Anadolu University, Turkey highlighted the role of smart governance in developing smart cities. He also stressed the role of time optimization in achieving the objectives of smart governance.

Dr. Parvez Hayat (IPS, Ex-DG Police, Jharkhand) explained the central streaming system in Barcelona which was first Smart city of the world. Dr. Hayat also discussed about smart grid and Smart meters.

While Mr. Saba Akhter, Senior Technical Director, NIC extensively outlined the vital importance of smart education eco-system in creating the right mindset for Smart cities. Dr. Supavadee with the example of Thailand discussed the role of various stake holders in the smart cities. Mr.Tarun Singhal (VP Engineering, Hughes Systique) on the other hand, emphasized the importance of technology in managing smart cities as well as underling the need of smart solutions.

Participants of the webinar discussing the “Status of Smart Cities in the Global Scenario”.

The event was held under the patronage of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Seyed Ehtesham Hasnain and Hon’ble Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Ahmed Kamal.

Prof. M. Afshar Alam, Dean, School of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Jamia Hamdard was the main guiding force behind organizing the webinar. Dr. Charru Malhotra(E-government & ICT, IIPA)was another keyspeaker who addressed the webinar. Dr. Parul Agarwal, Dr. Md. Tabrez Nafis, Mr Tabish Mufti, Ms. Richa Gupta and Ms. Pooja (faculty members) were the organizing team members. Mr. Mirza Rahil Beg provided the technical support for the event.

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